CSR 2024 | Ecovadis Platinum Medal

Ecovadis Platinum 2024 certification

EcoVadis is an independent organisation that conducts internationally recognised, evidence-based CSR assessments. The auditors have already studied the CSR policies of more than 100,000 companies in 200 sectors, in 75 countries, and the assessment method is examined by a scientific committee.

EcoVadis medals reward efforts in Corporate Social Responsibility. There are four recognition levels: Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum. The highest award, the EcoVadis Platinum Award, recognises the top 1% of companies that outperform their competitors.

The EcoVadis assessment criteria vary according to the company’s business sector, size and geographical location. These criteria are based on leading CSR standards, such as the UN Global Compact, ILO conventions, GRI standards, national laws and regulations, and ISO 26000. The company’s rating score is assessed across the four areas of CSR performance. The 4 EcoVadis assessment areas are: Environment, Ethics, Social and Human Rights, and Responsible Purchasing.

LG Industries was awarded the highest distinction, the Platinum Medal.


6 “Ethics Policy” factors

  1. Business ethics alert procedure
  2. Business ethics training
  3. Gifts and hospitality policy
  4. Responsible information management
  5. Compliance with local regulations
  6. Identification and assessment of ethical risks

8 “Social Policy” factors

  1. Single risk-assessment document
  2. Occupational Health and Safety Training
  3. Reducing the hardness of work
  4. Health and well-being at work
  5. Personal Protective Equipment
  6. Diversity, Harassment and Discrimination
  7. Actions in favour of young people
  8. Compliance with international labour standards

9 “Environmental Policy” factors

  1. Relocation of some production to Hauts-de-France
  2. Product durability and repairability
  3. Raising awareness of environmental issues
  4. Recycled paper and paper-waste management
  5. Zero plastic in product packaging
  6. Local carriers
  7. Green fuel for transport
  8. Replacement of pallets with condensed cardboard
  9. Use of hazardous substances

12 “Responsible Purchasing Policy” factors

  1. BSCI supplier compliance audit
  2. ISO 9001 certification
  3. ISO 14001 certification
  4. Selection procedure for new suppliers
  5. Supplier evaluation procedure
  6. Long-term supplier partnerships
  7. Long-term supplier partnerships
  8. Local presence and local service providers
  9. REACH compliance and heavy metals
  10. Awareness of responsible purchasing issues
  11. Quality of raw materials
  12. Conduct of LG Industries towards its suppliers

Would you like to draw our attention to an ethical and/or moral issue? You can write to us at: alerte@lgindustries.fr.