Platinum EcoVadis award: recognition of our excellence in CSR
At LG INDUSTRIES, we are proud to have been awarded, for the third consecutive year in 2024, the prestigious Platinum Medal by EcoVadis, an internationally renowned independent organization. This distinction reflects our ongoing commitment to exemplary Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) practicesEvaluation
- EcoVadis: EcoVadis evaluates the CSR policies of over 100,000 companies across 200 sectors and 75 countries. Based on international standards such as those of the UN, the ILO and ISO 26000, its analyses cover key areas such as the environment, ethics, social issues and responsible purchasing.
Médailles de - Recognition: companies are classified as Bronze, Silver, Gold or Platinum according to their CSR performance. The Platinum medal is reserved for companies in the top 1% of performers, a recognition that underlines the excellence of our practices and our positive impact.
This Platinum recognition highlights our dedication to consistently and responsibly integrating sustainability, ethics and social well-being throughout our operations. At LG INDUSTRIES, we will continue to make CSR a priority, not only to meet high standards, but to actively contribute to a better future.
DIFFUSION : We firmly believe that the DIFFUSION of our knowledge, know-how and values is crucial to our success. We actively encourage training, collaboration and the exchange of expertise, creating a strong culture of transmission and continuous learning within LG INDUSTRIES.
DREAM : Our company is driven by a DREAM of excellence that inspires everything we do. With an ambition focused on innovation and continuous improvement, we are constantly pushing back our limits to meet new challenges. This commitment enables us to remain competitive and guarantee our customers products and services of impeccable quality.
EXIGENCE : We impose absolute EXIGENCE on ourselves, our products and our services. Driven by the desire to excel, we continually raise our standards to deliver a unique experience to our customers. Through rigorous quality control processes, we ensure that our offerings meet the highest industry standards.
ASSISTANCE : ASSISTANCE is at the heart of our business, because we believe in listening to our customers and understanding their specific needs. By offering tailor-made solutions, we reinforce our commitment to them. With a dedicated and highly qualified team, we strive to provide exemplary service, placing customer satisfaction and lasting loyalty at the heart of our priorities.
MAGNANIMITY : We are convinced that a caring environment is essential if everyone is to give the best of themselves. Driven by a MAGNANIMITY that guides our actions, we pay close attention to the well-being of our employees, customers, suppliers and partners. By creating a respectful environment where everyone feels listened to and valued, we strengthen relationships based on trust and mutual consideration.
Commitments: our dedication to Sustainability
Durability: DURABILITY is at the heart of our priorities. We are committed to designing products that are built to last, using high-quality materials that undergo rigorous testing to ensure their longevity and robustness. Our quality control policy goes far beyond current standards, affirming our commitment to excellence.
We guarantee the availability of spare parts for 5 to 15 years, depending on the product, ensuring the longevity of your investment. To make repairs easier, we offer detailed tutorials, and our qualified technicians are available by telephone to answer any questions you may have.
At LG INDUSTRIES, sustainability isn't just a feature, it's a commitment to our customers to offer responsible, sustainable solutions.
Governance: transparency and collaborative commitment
At LG Industries, our governance is based on transparent decision-making processes and rigorous control mechanisms, ensuring effective management in line with internal and external standards. A key aspect of our approach is the active participation of our employees at all levels of analysis and decision-making, ensuring that all voices are heard and that decisions are enriched by a diversity of perspectives.
We implement regular audits and provide transparent internal reporting to ensure that our practices meet the highest standards of social and environmental responsibility. This process is supported by an active training program designed to enhance the skills of our employees, so that they can make an informed contribution to corporate governance.
By promoting training and collective commitment, we not only strengthen the long-term viability of our company, but also the trust of our customers, partners and employees. At LG Industries, we believe that the active participation and skills development of our teams are essential for sound governance and a sustainable future.
Alert procedure: a commitment to ethics and transparency
We attach the utmost importance to ethics and morality in all our activities. To ensure that these values are respected, we have set up a dedicated whistle-blowing procedure.
If you would like to report an ethical or moral issue or concern, please contact us directly at This channel of communication is open to all, and we encourage feedback that helps us maintain our commitment to responsibility and transparency.
Your contribution is essential in helping us to act with integrity, and ensures that we remain true to our principles in everything we do.